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How the Journey Began...

Welcome Wanderers!


My name is Kruthi, and I'm the creator of "Journeys of a Wanderlust". 


I began my journey of Blogging in the year 2015 with a simple blog where I would write about my daily life. In the year 2018, I officially started posting about my travel experiences, lifestyle and so much more that a simple blogspot page was not enough! I needed a space where I could wander in various aspects and explore so many things while sharing it with my readers. 


Thats when "Journeys of a Wanderlust" began and I've been grateful ever since. After years of hard work and consistent determination, I am now an influencer and freelancer as well! 


I post most of my microblogs on Instagram @inkedwanderlust about food, travel, lifestyle, home decor, art and so much more! You can even follow my personal page @alwayskruthii to follow my journey...


I am grateful for every bit of my journey in getting here, and being an avid traveller and writer, this is my place to be me! I hope you like my content and find my work worthy enough to read and appreciate!


Thank you for taking your time to be here and supporting me!


Happy Wandering!

- Your Wanderlust


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